Anastasia Ngwenya

WhatsApp Image 2021-03-16 at 12.11.35 PM.jpeg

One way Lubuto's staff continues to serve children and their families during COVID is by typing out stories as text messages and sending them to caregivers to read to their children. Anastasia, an avid library user who is currently in the Lubuto Scholarship Program, has been instrumental in expanding the reach of these stories. She seeks out caregivers in the community to tell about this service and adds them to the list of recipients, and she uses this as an opportunity to introduce Lubuto libraries to them as well. She has now become the point person in the community to learn more about these stories, and she hopes for the libraries to open soon so that everyone she has reached out to, along with herself and her seven-year-old daughter, can enjoy the stories and books in the libraries in person.