Last Day

Hey, guys, it's Henry. Today was our last day working with the Fountain of Hope and the XO Laptops, and, quite honestly, we're inspired by what we've seen.

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Lubuto Library Partners
The Chat

Hi everyone, it's Ellie, here to present some of the workings of the kids on their laptops. At one point, Benson, Vasco, and Moses all joined a chat together (remember, these are mesh networks between the laptops, no internet required), and decided to test the communication boundaries.

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Lubuto Library Partners
50 Cent

Hey everyone, it's Ellie. Today was a fairly productive day at Fountain of Hope. We started the morning off with a tranquil session, helped by Stephen and Joe Tembo. All of the kids today were non-english speakers, which coincided well with our newly translated notecards, courtesy of Kenny Hau.

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Lubuto Library Partners

Hey everybody, it’s Henry.

When we arrived today, there was a tense atmosphere at Fountain of Hope among the adults. Before we’d arrived, there had been an unfortunate incident that Vasco and Kenny were now, preoccupied with, and, save for one brief encounter; we did not see them for the rest of the day.

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Lubuto Library Partners
XO Update

Hey, it's Ellie here. Today was productive day at the library. After opening up the XO's to 10 or so kids throughout the morning, we started to compose a set of rules derived from the various obstacles we've been facing:

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Lubuto Library Partners
XO Pictures!

Hi, it's Ellie and Henry. Just like we promised, we've uploaded some of the pictures from the XOs that the kids took themselves. These were all taken using the "Record" program, and the built-in camera and microphone:

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Lubuto Library Partners
Henry's 3rd Day at FOH

Hey everyone, Henry here.

Today was another good day at Fountain of Hope. We got a flat tire on the way, which was a minor setback, but we arrived in due time. We got a quick start, with the regular kids from the previous two days familiar with the procedure and ready to help out and get started. These kids, I will not hesitate to say, are now proficient with these XO laptops. They know how to get in and out of applications, how to save and name their projects, and how to utilize the machines to the point at which they are most useful for them.

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Lubuto Library Partners
Ellie's 2nd Day at FOH

Hi! This is Ellie, and I must first ask you to excuse any typos, I'm on an XO laptop! This laptop, as wonderful as it is, has a very small and very tough keyboard. Today, I worked through the morning at the Lubuto library by myself. Henry was indisposed for the first part of the day, and I went without him.

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Lubuto Library Partners